So me an Micky have been getting things ready for paint , the frame will be gloss black, guards and tank matt black with twin matt red stripes from nose to tail, electric can and battery box matt black. My first thought was " yeah no worries, little sanding some primer maybe filler all good"
Well i found out this weekend theres ALOT more to it than that !
We started with the frame, because as soon as i get it painted i can start assembling the bike. This is all being done at home by the way , no sand blasters, no spray booths, just hands, sand paper, a good quality compressor and spray gun's.
After sanding down the frame we layed some primer down to show off all the imperfections, there were a few expected ones and a few unexpected. So today i filled sanded, filled sanded, filled sanded till it was all smoothed out.
Next i worked on the tank and guards, the tank had a nasty dint in it from where my old man had dropped a fork tube on it... ( thanks pa ) he he he. The tank frame and front guard had the old owners paint scheme on it which has started to well and truly revolt me... shite green and pink/purple flames...... (little bit of vomit in mouth)
The sooner i cover this stuff up the better, anyways couple of dints filled and alot of sanding left them ready for paint.

Then the battery box, electric can and ends + a seat mount were sanded and primed

The rear guard is a harley custom front guard thats been chopped shaped and massaged so fit the xs rear end, Also heres a pic of the the stainless steel headers i picked up, custom pipes will be added later.

Ive got a bunch of other parts recently like flush mount ignition switch for the electric can, old style red bike grips, some freaking nice billet mirrors ( considering taking them off after rego though ) and other odds and ends. As soon as this frames painted i will put up a new post of the assembly where it starts to get exciting.
So yeah all sanded filled and primed ready for paint, big thanks to my good mate Mick for the advice and use of compressor guns etc.